Systemic  Examination


Systemic examination reviews the major systems of the body like the Central nervous system, Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system and Gastrointestinal system.

Generally, there are 4 parts of physical examination:

     Inspection: Looking for signs

     Palpation: Feeling for signs

     Percussion: Tapping for signs, used when doing a lung, heart or gut examination.

     Auscultation: Listening for sounds within the body using a stethoscope, or in olden times, purely listening with direct ear.

The module is designed in such a way that the user can do the systemic examination of these systems of the virtual patient using the above mentioned 4 main techniques.

Systemic examination is currently divided into 4 sub-modules/segments:

     Central Nervous System

     Respiratory System

     Cardiovascular System

     Abdomen Examination

Each of these modules is further classified into various examinations/techniques/activities which are explained in detail below. The doctor needs to do only those activities relevant for the given virtual case to diagnose correctly.