Drug Prescription

The prescription of medicines can be made by clicking on the “Prescribe” button on the screen. Before doing so, the user can either choose to resolve the drug interactions first, if any, and then proceed with prescription submission or he/she can choose to proceed with the same drug prescription ready to accept the risks involved while prescribing the interacting drugs together.


The system allows the user to prescribe in both ways.


First Method :

When the user clicks on “Prescribe Drugs” button to submit the prescription, while there are unresolved drug interactions, the user is prompted with a message to either choose to resolve by clicking on “No” button or to submit the prescription as it is by clicking the “Yes” Button.




Upon Clicking No, the prescription submission is cancelled.



Upon Clicking OK, the user stays on the same page and now he/she can proceed with the changes in the drug selection to avoid any present drug interactions and can then click on “Prescribe Drugs” button to submit the prescription again.


Second Method:


When the user decides to proceed with the same drug prescription ready to accept the risks involved while prescribing the interacting drugs together, click on the “Prescribe Drugs” button, the user will be prompted again about the interaction.




Upon Clicking ‘Yes’, the prescription submission is made and the system checks for the correctness of the selected drugs for each finding and prompts the user with the result.