Case-based Medical Simulation - MedSim

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Supported by MeitY, Govt of India

  • Practise and experience a variety of medical skills and procedures

    Computer based Medical Simulations that will allow students pursuing medical sciences to visualize, learn, practise and experience a variety of medical skills and procedures


  • Replicate clinical scenarios

    MedSim is an e-learning platform that supports computer based medical simulations that replicate clinical scenarios by integrating 2D and 3D animations.


  • Deliberate practice and feedback for medical skills development

    MedSim allows features such as deliberate practice and feedback for skills development, exposure to difficult to visualise procedures, protocols and case studies using virtual patient cases.


  • Review before making diagnostic clinical and management choices

    MedSim includes case simulations in which a student interacts with a virtual patient to obtain the history, conduct a physical exam and make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.


Physical Examination

Physical examination helps the doctor to determine the general status of patient’s health.

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Treatment module allows the user to experiment several drugs on the virtual patient.

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History Taking

Reach an accurate diagnosis by obtaining a detailed description of patient’s symptoms.

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Lab Investigation

Doctor can order clinical and laboratory investigations such as Blood, urine and serum test etc.

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Decision Support System is formulated based on probabilities and ranked according to the severity of the illnesses.

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Activities of an user is tracked and presented as graphical reports for the students and faculty for detailed analysis.

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  • Device Content Image
  • Device Content Image
  • Device Content Image

MedSim includes case simulations in which a student interacts with a virtual patient to obtain the history, conduct a physical exam and make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. The student may ask questions to the virtual patient, order medical examinations or therapy activities and determine the outcome.

The student works his way toward a correct final diagnosis by moving through several sections followed by a patient management until the patient is completely cured or discharged. Thus the student's decisions have direct consequences on the virtual patient's treatment outcome.

The use of simulation is a practical and safe approach to the acquisition and maintenance of task-oriented and behavioural skills across the spectrum of medical specialties. Simulation offers clinicians a safe, practical, and credible means to acquire skills and learn how to optimally manage clinical scenarios.

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Packed Full of Powerful Features

Activities of an user is tracked and presented as graphical reports for the students and faculty for detailed analysis.

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    "At most times patient may not allow us to do the examinations when they are sick. It is more like a game than the cumbersome study processes. As medical students it is very helpful." - Aparna Kurup, MBBS Student

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    "From learning perspective I think this is very useful as not always are the patients willing to co operate but here you can do all sorts of examinations without any hindrance. Also the differential diagnosis part I think is very effective for a medical student to learn how to do it properly. It gives an idea of systematic presentation of a case from a student’s perspective." - Gargi S Pillai, MBBS Student

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    "We had a very good experience with MedSim. It gave a list of questions for history. Some investigations gave very informative observations not even seen in real patients." - Aarsha Raju, MBBS Student, Trivandrum Medical College

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